Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pick your poison...

Well my fellow Mets fans, the time has come. Yankees vs. Phillies, Game 1 of the World Series is set for tonight... and it's time to decide who to pull for to win this thing. Let me just state for the record that for me, this match up is not nearly as bad as a Yankees/Braves series would be - apparently I have some deep psychological scarring from the John Rocker era. And I don't buy into that "I'm a New Yorker" crap - doesn't anyone else feel intense hatred for all the Mets 'fans' who have gone out to buy Yankees gear?? That's just ridiculous. So for this series, I will be rooting for the Phillies/National League to win it all. I admit that I am a sucker for the underdog, but another World Series win can only help our league gain some much deserved respect. Now, I know a lot of people who disagree with my point of view on this, and their World Series picks are amazing. Some of the ones I've heard so far are as follows:

I told one Phils fan I'm friends with that as a Mets fan, I was pulling for the NL and got this response: "I know a few others going for the National League thing, although most I know want it to rain for a month, end in a tie or have an earthquake happen."

Another Mets fan had this to say: "This World Series is going to be torture. I hope a plane crashes on the world series.. But like a remote control one so no one ON the plane would die."

And Benny B. from (a Mets/Phillies rivalry blog that I am now in love with) compares the two choices to deciding between death by fire or drowning.

We might not have much at this point... but at least we're creative in our despair. I'm sticking with my league on this one - nine guys play the field, and the same nine bat. Baseball the way it was meant to be played. Let's go Phils!

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