Thursday, November 5, 2009

Today's Pet Peeve: Woodwork Fans

Also known as Bandwagon Jumpers. You know who you are - you're the ones with a loose, if any, affiliation with a given team until they have success. Then you all come crawling out of the woodwork proclaiming your "fanhood" loud and clear. This is not a shot at the Yankees, because every team has "fans" like this. It's just that the ones for the Yankees have more opportunities to make themselves known. Another Woodwork Fan characteristic is not being able to understand the emotions involved with wins and losses. I can say with pride that, although it is not healthy, the Mets affect my emotions on a daily basis. Woodwork Fans are the ones who try to talk to you about being eliminated from contention. Getting knocked out of the playoffs. Things that no fan wants to discuss immediately after (or in the case of 2006 for the rest of the year. I honestly blocked out that the Cardinals had won that World Series until recently). And they also feel the need to go out of their way to let you know about situations you'd rather not talk about or even acknowledge. I am close friends with/related to many true Yankees fans. You know how many of them contacted me last night? Zero. They don't want to waste their time rubbing my face in it, they want to celebrate. They know that anyone who isn't a Yankees fan either A) saw and is disgusted or B) is completely apathetic. And why ruin a Championship buzz with that?

On the bright side, at least this horrific season is finally over. Thanks to FOX and Bud Selig, it took until November 4th... but it's over. Time to move on to important things, like free agents, deadlines, and off season moves.

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