Thursday, November 19, 2009


Oh, Tim Lincecum. I hope the Cy Young award takes the sting out of that marijuana possession charge. Although I don't think anyone was shocked by that story - and interestingly enough, it has pretty much disappeared from the press. Probably because no one was surprised.. unlike the Michael Phelps incident. Anyway, I'm happy with this decision too. Lincecum is one of those pitchers who just always seems to put in a solid outing. I really enjoy watching him pitch because he looks freakishly out of control while actually being completely in control. He's always in THE ZONE. Out of the three pitchers in contention for the NL Cy Young, Lincecum is the one I want to face the least during the season.

And, not to take away from Lincecum's award but who knows why we should be excited today?? That's right - starting at midnight, free agents are up for grabs! I can't wait for the Mets to go shopping this year (the Holliday joke was there, but it was just too easy..). I'm looking forward to some aggression in this year's free agent market and I really, REALLY hope the Mets can deliver.

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