Monday, December 7, 2009

Did your wish list include two old catchers? Neither did mine.

Well. So much for aggression in the off season. I left the country for 9 days and the biggest thing that happened is Chris Coste agreed to a contract. And seriously, is anyone else confused as to why we decided it was prudent to sign not one, but two aging catchers? Especially when one of them doesn't even want to be a Met. (Side note to Chris Coste - I'm pretty sure there's a crypt you should be keeping somewhere. Go find it.)

Maybe I'm jumping the gun here... after all, the winter meetings have only been going on for about 4 hours at this point. But when I sat down to look at our depth chart and after thinking about the holes that presented themselves in 2009... I never once came up with "catcher" as a priority or a hole to fill. For me, it is all about the pitching, or lack thereof. I'm not even as concerned with the power issues as most people I have talked to about the Mets. I'm desperate for a solid number 2 guy, because guess what - Mike Pelfrey is not ready for that role. And I still think he should get the name of Zack Greinke's therapist.

In my dream world, we would suck it up and take the hit on Castillo's contract followed by signing Orlando Hudson. We would hide Oliver Perez in Buffalo with another "injury". And we would stop going after broken down guys who are cheap fixes. All I'm asking for here is a quality free agent or two - I'm not going on a Holliday/Halladay rant (although that would be nice). There are ways to fill holes without spending a ton of money, it just always seems like the Mets mess it up.

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