Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ptichers & Catchers and D-Wright

That's right, it's that time again - pitchers and catchers officially report to spring training TODAY! I know most people don't really care about this, but I love spring training. It's the first chance you get to really evaluate where your team stands. I'm going to be paying close attention to our starting pitchers this year, since they're all coming back from either a season-ending injury or just a terrible year. I still think Big Pelf is the X factor and rumor has it that he's dropped 25 pounds and is ready to go (this is another reason to love spring training - everyone shows up in "the best shape of [his] life"). I'm ready to see big things from all of them.

There have also been rumors lately that the Mets are "aggressively" going after Rod Barajas. Just a few weeks ago, we were told the Mets were done spending money. I don't even really know what this means, and I can't say I'm going to obsess over this. Once again, I feel like management is talking way too much. Stop commenting on who is fighting who for which starting position. Let things unfold during spring training and see who earns the spot. At this point, does it even really matter if Jerry claims one guy has an edge over another?

And finally, David Wright made a splash yesterday with his statements about "expecting" to win the NL East and World Series (by the way, David is another guy with a voice you wouldn't expect. The Mets just attract these guys apparently). I love this from David. He's a major league baseball player - he SHOULD expect to win. He didn't say that they would win or continue the asinine "we're the team to beat" fight - just that he expects to win. I don't see anything wrong with this. He's showing confidence in the team he plays for and is still acknowledging the fact that at this point in time, the goal is to beat the teams that have gotten the better of us over the past few seasons. Props to D-Wright for setting the tone early this spring... maybe this will be his year he really comes into his own as the leader everyone has expected him to be since Cliff Floyd left the team.

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