Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Baywatch FINALLY ends

As long as Jason Bay passes a physical, he will be patrolling left field for the Mets for the next 4 seasons. This part always makes me nervous - I know that signings are almost never called off due to injuries (with Yorvit Torrealba and the recently dead Mike Lowell to the Rangers deal as exceptions) but it still nags at the back of my mind.

Anyway - I'm happy with this signing because, if nothing else, it means we've done something. Jason Bay is an upgrade offensively, which seems to be the only thing the Mets are concerned with. And I still have enough faith in Carlos Beltran that Bay's defense does not depress me. However, I do not think that Jason Bay is the solution or that he will be the baseball savior in Queens. Also, this signing coincides quite nicely with the season ticket renewal deadline. Who said the Mets didn't know how to run an organization?

I really, really hope that, despite appearances to the contrary, Omar Minaya can actually multitask. Since it seems like we've wasted weeks waiting for Bay to make up his mind when he only had one offer to choose from, I want to believe that Omar has something up his sleeve. One of my friends suggested that we were stockpiling catchers to make a trade for Matt Cain in San Francisco. While that would be amazing... I refuse to get attached to that idea, because that's generally not how the Mets do things. I've mentioned Bronson Arroyo and Ben Sheets recently and I still think that they would both be good additions - although first Sheets would have to realize that not pitching AT ALL for a year does not earn you a $12 million signing. There is not one person in major league baseball outside of Mets management who considers our rotation to be legitamite. Every starter we have is either Mike Pelfrey or coming back from a season ending injury... and that doesn't inspire much confidence.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Who the hell is R.A. Dickey?

Why, R.A. Dickey is a 35 year-old journeyman knuckleballer the Mets have signed to a minor league deal. We're really making some progress now! Unless Dickey spontaneously begins to channel Hoyt Wilhelm's spirit, I don't care.

Adam the Bull said it best on WFAN this morning: The best move the Mets have made so far this off season was the Phillies signing Brian Schneider.

Oh and one more time... stop dragging on this Bay/Molina saga. Give them a deadline and either sign them or move on. This is getting old.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The lights are on... but is anybody home?

It would appear that Omar Minaya fell asleep at the switch. Again. Ok, maybe that is a slight over reaction, but for those of you who missed this - Jason Marquis is a now a National. Trust me, I'm not delusional enough to think that Marquis was the answer to our prayers. But how is it possible that someone who is a solid middle of the rotation starter with the right attitude, who had said flat out that he wanted to play for the Mets, ends up with Washington?? Marquis said that he felt the Nationals were making the right moves in terms of making themselves relevant in baseball (i.e. adding Pudge Rodriguez and Brian Bruney). So it follows then that Marquis feels as though the Mets are not doing those things.

And you know what? He's absolutely right. I've been saying for months that pitching is our problem. Do I want to see Angel Pagan starting in left field again? Of course not. But I could handle it if we weren't able to bring in a left fielder because we were focused on pitching. The Mets are not building a team to fit their ball park. Citi Field should be synonymous with pitching and defense. Instead, we currently have one of the most questionable rotations in baseball and we are a defensive nightmare in terms of fundamentals. But yea, let's have a staring contest with Jason Bay and Benjie Molina, who are really just stringing Omar along while they wait for something - anything - else to come along. At this point, I'd rather see some creative trade work (after all, Omar is still the man who found a way to land Johan Santana) and save the actual money for next year's free agents. I'm trying to convince myself that there are things going on behind the scenes that are being kept quiet... otherwise, Mets fans are going to give up before spring training even gets here.

Friday, December 18, 2009

There's something in the water...

Let me just start by saying I understand chasing money to a certain extent. I also recognize that in order to be successful, players have to believe they are worth a lot. But what the hell is wrong with the free agents and market in general this off season?

The Mets have already upped their original one-year contract deal to Benjie Molina to two years - which should be the absolute most he gets. However, there have been reports that Molina is looking for a third year. Let's break this down: a 35 year-old catcher (who can't run, by the way) wants a 3 year contract. Omar, shake his hand and say, "Thanks for stopping by."

Then there is Jason Bay. I was fine with the Mets offering Bay a fifth year because I'm getting a little desperate... but apparently now he wants six. SIX. Jason, I have some news for you - you're a solid outfielder and I've heard good things about your clubhouse presence, but you should not be getting six years. On Wednesday, Jon Heyman reported that the Mets were looking to wrap up the Bay situation within 48 hours. I guess technically those 48 hours aren't up yet... but I'm starting to get that feeling of dread.

And let's not forget where this all started: Randy Wolf and the Brewers agreeing to a ridiculous contract for a second tier pitcher. Thanks for skewing the market, boys. Now guys like Jason Marquis and Joel Pineiro - in other words, average pitchers coming off of career years - are demanding way too much money and too many years on their contracts. The one thing I am thankful for is that the Mets appear to be staying out of what I have decided to call the Oliver Perez Trap with these guys.

Here are some new names to consider: Bronson Arroyo and Ben Sheets. Sheets should only be in discussion if Arroyo or someone similar is also brought in because he is a high risk/high reward pitcher. I can only continue to hope that, despite all evidence to the contrary, Omar has a plan and knows what he is doing.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"And the hits just keep on comin'..."

This was my afternoon on December 14:
3:58 PM - Text from Josh - "There goes Lackey..."
4:02 PM - Response - "I have a worse one...Halladay to the Phils."

And then this morning I heard a report that the Cardinals offered Matt Holliday an 8 year contract, which means there is no way the Mets will somehow steal Holliday away. I'm actually okay with that, because Scott Boras is ridiculous and Matt Holliday is not Mark Teixeira by any stretch of the imagination. I always felt Holliday was a long shot to come to the Mets anyway.

Back to the pitchers - honestly, I'm not that upset about the Lackey situation. I think Boston is overpaying him. Doc Halladay though... that one stings. Rumor has it that the Jays offered the Mets a trade that would have sent Jose Reyes, John Maine, and prospects to Toronto. I'm not ready to give up on Reyes yet, so I'm okay with the fact that we didn't pull the trigger on that deal. But the Phillies? That's the part I can't handle. Toronto couldn't find a way to send Halladay to the AL West?

And this is where I get nervous. As much as I want the Mets do something, ANYTHING, I also know that we have a tendency to make stupid decisions and offer people ridiculous contracts. Out of the second tier pitchers, the only one I was really interested in was Randy Wolf. Thanks to him and the Brewers, every other pitcher in the market is looking to get more than he is probably worth. Pitching is my biggest concern for next season... and right now, it is not looking good. Now that Chien Ming Wang is on the market, I've been hearing some rumors about the Mets pursuing him. I don't know how I feel about that yet, but I wouldn't be upset if we worked out a contract with him. The only other pitcher I'd really consider right now is Jason Marquis.

Hopefully the reports are true that the Mets are now the only team seriously interested in Jason Bay, since the Red Sox signed Lackey and the Mariners are involved in the Doc Halladay trade (not to mention stealing Chone Figgins. They'd better win the freakin' World Series in 2010 for all the stress they're causing me). If we come away with Bay, Wang and/or Marquis, I would be all right with it. It's obviously not the way we all envisioned filling in the holes, but at least it's something.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Trying to keep the faith

I'm trying to be optimistic this off season. I really am. It might be working too, except for the fact that part of my daily routine includes skimming and the Mets' website for any kind of updates on trades or signings. And lately, I've been getting the feeling that the Mets are preparing us for a letdown. The tone I'm getting from these articles is that there is a helplessness about the Mets now, and that doesn't inspire much confidence. I keep reminding myself that Omar pulled off the Johan Santana deal when everyone said it was impossible. He also managed to bring us Carlos Beltran, who is one of the top center fielders in baseball today. I want to have faith in Omar and the Mets, so I'm trying.

However, the moves that we've made so far have left much to be desired. I'm glad we signed Alex Cora - I think he earned it. He is a good veteran who can back up multiple positions and was unfortunately forced into a role he couldn't handle in 2009 (not to mention while playing through an injury). But I really don't understand why we need Chris Coste, Henry Blanco, Omir Santos, and Benjie Molina on the roster (to be fair, the Molina thing hasn't actually happened yet). I just want to be inspired by something this off season - and I want to stop feeling like we're being left in the dust.

I'm begging you, Omar - please find me a gamer for left field and a starting pitcher who can eat innings. Big free agent signings are fun and make a splash, but I don't even think Matt Holliday is necessary. I was originally pulling for Carl Crawford, but I never really believed that had any potential. I was intrigued by Curtis Granderson... we know how that worked out. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing Mike Cameron back in a Mets uniform, but I don't think he'll settle for a corner outfield position. I'm also really hoping that since the Brewers and Randy Wolf set a ridiculous bar for the second tier free agent pitchers, the Mets will go after Lackey hard. Lackey would make me very happy and would fill the void of #2 starter/bullpen savior.

Until then, I'm trying to ignore what I hope are ludicrous rumors. If the Mets somehow end up with Pat Burrell on their roster, I'm not entirely sure what I would do (and don't think I should be held responsible for any actions that may or may not take place following said acquisition). Make something good happen for us, and restore the faith in Flushing.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Did your wish list include two old catchers? Neither did mine.

Well. So much for aggression in the off season. I left the country for 9 days and the biggest thing that happened is Chris Coste agreed to a contract. And seriously, is anyone else confused as to why we decided it was prudent to sign not one, but two aging catchers? Especially when one of them doesn't even want to be a Met. (Side note to Chris Coste - I'm pretty sure there's a crypt you should be keeping somewhere. Go find it.)

Maybe I'm jumping the gun here... after all, the winter meetings have only been going on for about 4 hours at this point. But when I sat down to look at our depth chart and after thinking about the holes that presented themselves in 2009... I never once came up with "catcher" as a priority or a hole to fill. For me, it is all about the pitching, or lack thereof. I'm not even as concerned with the power issues as most people I have talked to about the Mets. I'm desperate for a solid number 2 guy, because guess what - Mike Pelfrey is not ready for that role. And I still think he should get the name of Zack Greinke's therapist.

In my dream world, we would suck it up and take the hit on Castillo's contract followed by signing Orlando Hudson. We would hide Oliver Perez in Buffalo with another "injury". And we would stop going after broken down guys who are cheap fixes. All I'm asking for here is a quality free agent or two - I'm not going on a Holliday/Halladay rant (although that would be nice). There are ways to fill holes without spending a ton of money, it just always seems like the Mets mess it up.