Monday, April 12, 2010

Bueller? .... Bueller?

This is how I feel about the New York Mets. They simply don't show up for games. At least Ferris Bueller was creative about it... in this case, the absence is glaring. This is a problem for a few reasons (the most obvious being the end result - we are not winning games).

Let me first confess that I did not actually see any of this past weekend's series with the Nationals. I caught up on box scores and reports late on Sunday and a little bit this morning as well. From what I can gather, it was ugly. The Mets are reverting to their 2009 habit of leaving small towns on base every night - which clearly does not translate into wins.

During the yesterday's post game interview, Jerry took the blame for the loss and made a few comments about the team being unprepared. I never understand this - these guys are professional athletes. How is it possible for them to be unprepared and/or unmotivated? I have no idea what Jerry is like in the clubhouse, but if he is anything like his interview persona, it's really not a shock. He doesn't seem to get fired up about anything. I've never really been on the "Bring back Bobby V." bandwagon, but I understand the concept. Our Mets constantly seem to need a kick in the ass to bring them back to the levels at which they should already be playing. I think there should be a 1986 resurgence - bring in Wally Backman and Tim Teufel to run the show. Gary Carter has made it clear on numerous occasions that he would accept a job. And really, would anything be more entertaining that Keith Hernandez and Gary Carter working together in any capacity??

Back to yesterday... I'm still not throwing in the metaphorical towel on this season. After all, it is only 6 games. I understand that our opponents were the Marlins and the Nationals and that Santana had two starts, but the sky isn't falling (not yet, anyway). Santana's velocity was down yesterday so his change up was not very effective and that is worrisome. But at the same time, your ace should be able to have an off day without it being a crisis. The problem is that when the remaining 4 starters are Maine, Niese, Pelfrey, and Perez... suddenly every game Santana takes the loss in becomes an issue (Side note to this - I know that Perez had a decent start this weekend, but why wouldn't we skip him in the rotation? We could have gotten away with not having him start until next week. Isn't it better for the team as a whole if Perez has as few starts as possible?).

The Mets flew to Colorado yesterday and open a three game set with the Rockies starting tomorrow. Maybe the Mets can find some magic in the Mile High City.

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